Implementation Status

The Corporate Governance Officer

The Company approved the assignment of Lin, Ta-Hsiang , the AVP of Finance and Accounting Dept, as the corporate governance officer. His qualifications meet the requirements set out in Article 3-1, Paragraph 1, the Corporate Governance Best Practice Principles for TWSE/TPEx Listed Companies. He will be in charge of supervising and planning the following corporate governance matters, to secure shareholders’ interests and enhance the functions of the Board of Directors. The personnel of the Finance Department in charge of share affairs are assigned as the corporate governance personnel as well, to implement matters related to the corporate governance.

Functions of the corporate governance officers are:
‧Handling matters relating to Board of Directors' meetings and shareholders' meetings according to laws.
‧Producing minutes of Board of Directors' meetings and shareholders' meetings.
‧Assisting in on-boarding and continuing education of directors.
‧Furnishing information required for business execution by directors.
‧Reporting to the Board of Directors on the results of its review of the compliance of the qualifications of Independent Directors with the relevant laws and regulations at the time of their nomination, election and during their term of office.
‧Handling matter relating to the change of Directors.
‧Regularly review and amend the Company’s Corporate Governance Best Practice Principles and the related operating procedures.
‧Reporting the implementation of corporate governance affairs to the Board of Directors annually.

The Corporate Governance Officer's training course

Date of Training Organizing Unit Course name Length of the curriculum Length of the curriculum for the first time
2023-05-17 ~ 2023-05-17SECURITIES & FUTURES INSTITUTE(Independent) Directors and Supervisors and Corporate Governance Practice Semina_The Boardroom Dispute and Commercial Case Adjudication Act.318
2023-04-27 ~ 2023-04-27SECURITIES & FUTURES INSTITUTE(Independent) Directors and Supervisors and Corporate Governance Practice Seminar_Board Performance Evaluation318
2023-02-21 ~ 2023-02-22SECURITIES & FUTURES INSTITUTE(Independent) Directors and Supervisors and Corporate Governance Practice Workshop”1218


The Implementation Status_2023 (EN)
The Implementation Status_2022 (EN)