Pursuant to Article 26 of the Corporate Governance Best Practice Principles of the Company, all members of the board of directors shall have the knowledge, skills, and experience necessary to perform their duties. The composition of the board of directors shall be diverse. In addition to directors concurrently serving as officers do not exceed one-third of the total number of the members of the board of directors, an appropriate policy on diversity based on the Company’s business operations, operating dynamics, and development needs to be formulated and include, without being limited to, the following two general standards:
A. Basic requirements and values: Gender, age, nationality, and culture.
B. Professional knowledge and skills: A professional background (e.g., law, accounting, industry, finance, marketing, technology), professional skills, and industry experience.
Note 1: The current board of directors consists of 7 members, including 4 independent directors. They are all outstanding professionals with rich practical experience and possess the overall ability and background expertise required by the board of directors. The implementation of the policy of diversified board members helps to enhance the effectiveness of corporate governance and management performance.
Note 2: The tenure distribution of independent directors is as follows: all independent directors have served for no more than three consecutive terms. All directors are nationals of this country, with a composition ratio of 4 independent directors and 3 female director (accounting for 57.14% and 42.86% of all directors, respectively). In the future, consideration will be given to gender equality by increasing the number of female directors. As of the end of 2024, three directors were aged 41-50, two directors were aged 51-60, and two directors were aged 71-80. All independent directors comply with the regulations of the FSC.