J&V CSR projects begin with solar energy! Since 2017, J&V Energy's charity efforts have spanned regions such as Tainan, Orchid Island, Taitung, Hualien, and Yunlin where solar panels have been donated and installed on the rooftops of churches, kindergartens, indigenous workshops, cafeterias, and more. In addition to reducing electricity bills, the panels allow these places to generate and use their own power. By doing so, we can effectively promote solar energy generation among the public, drive the trend of charity with green energy, and get more companies to join these efforts.

Corporate Social Responsibility Report

Corporate Social Responsibility Report

CountryEDU Charity Foundation

J&V Energy’s long-term educational charity program was officially transformed into the Rural Education Foundation. The Foundation helps students overcome the gap in educational resource between urban and rural areas through remedial education programs. Through our small efforts, we can influence other enterprises to join in contributing to this cause.
